Storytelling from the State of Detachment

Have you ever read a book or watched a movie or TV show where you walked away from it with tears in your eyes and the cause was a moving or heart-wrenching scene? I’m sure many people can attest to that; and when I mean by many, I definitely mean most people. And yes, I’ve definitely heard the phrase more often than not how “If that scene where [such and such happened] didn’t make you cry, then you have no soul.” Well… I guess in that case, I have quite a ball to drop.

I rarely cry at such scenes as the ones described. I’m like a rock in those case scenarios. Seriously, you could put the beginning from the movie, “Up,” on repeat and I still wouldn’t shed a tear. I could read the blood bath scene in The Hunger Games without struggle. Honestly, the only thing that has ever made me tear up is Isao Takahata’s film, “Grave of the Fireflies.” Other than that, I really do not get emotionally involved when it comes to the various mediums of storytelling. Why you wonder, as you ponder whether I really am that heartless? That’s primarily because when in storytelling, whether if it’s absorbing someone else’s story or telling one myself, I’m always in this state of detachment. Continue reading “Storytelling from the State of Detachment”