From Within the Mind: Ambiguity

In honor of the three months since An Absolute Mind came out, this month, I shall be doing a weekly series of behind-the-scenes glimpses at the process and the decisions made with the creation of the novel. Be careful for potential spoilers if you haven’t read it yet, and I hope you enjoy. Continue reading “From Within the Mind: Ambiguity”

Restaurant Homages to Books

A few weeks ago, I came across a particularly interesting photo from someone I follow on Instagram. Taken in New York, it was the outside of a little bistro called Little Prince. In the foreground of the photo was the indicator of where the bistro may have possibly gotten its name; the famed Antoine de Saint-Exupery novella, The Little Prince. While there’s no indication about its inspiration based on what I was able to discover online about this little eatery (other than the fact that they serve altered French cuisine there), it definitely makes for interesting discussion if the inspiration for the place was, in fact, the beloved French story. Continue reading “Restaurant Homages to Books”

Re-reading “After Dark” Post-Debut Publication

Today marks four months since the publication of my debut novel of A Moment’s Worth (crazy, I know) and the past few days, I’ve been re-reading a book that I read for the first time earlier in the year.  I’m re-reading Haruki Murakami’s After Dark.  Now normally I wait a while- such as a year, maybe more- before re-reading a book, just so I can re-read it with a refreshed mindset.  However, with a month left of school for me, I checked it out of my school’s library for a purpose that many tend to best put it as “for science.” Continue reading “Re-reading “After Dark” Post-Debut Publication”

From One Reality to Another (a.k.a. When My Mind is High on Murakami Fiction)

There were several moments this week where I found myself wanting to escape- not literally escape (or maybe so) but to mentally escape; to relieve myself of the then present situation engrained in this hardcore reality and float off into another.  That’s what college work does to you and that’s also what happens when a Haruki Murakami novel is distracting you with the unusual. Continue reading “From One Reality to Another (a.k.a. When My Mind is High on Murakami Fiction)”